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After Care Program


Each grade is separate, overseen by a team of staff, and has a specific age-appropriate curriculum. During the program, the children work on their homework, socialize, have a snack, and engage in enrichment and outside activities. The overall atmosphere is always caring, relaxing, and safe.


Please note that the After Care Program is not open the first day of school, the day before Thanksgiving or on the last day of school. No drop-ins are available for After Care.


After Care provides a light snack each day. Saltines and graham crackers are offered each day, along with a "snack of the day” (e.g., popcorn, goldfish, cheez-its, cheese and crackers, nutri-grain bars, pretzels, yogurt, cheese sticks) and a fruit or vegetable choice (e.g., apples, pears, oranges, frozen mixed fruit, apple sauce, carrots, salad). The children also have the option of bringing their own healthy snack from home.


Outdoor Time

Outside time is an integral part of the After Care Program to ensure the children get fresh air and exercise. All grades have outdoor time during the entire school year, weather permitting, so it is important that the children have appropriate dress for the season, both warm and cold. The program uses both the blue and green playgrounds at Wellington, as well as Underwood Park.

Sample After Care schedule

A sample schedule for a regular release day is provided below.


2:50–3:30 pm    Check-in, Hand Washing, and Bathroom*

                           Story-Time (K-1), Homework/Reading Time (2-4)

*Each Grade Component meets in their own "homeroom". 


3:00–4:00 pm    Snack Time in Cafeteria*

*Each Grade Component has a 15-minute time period to eat snack.


3:15–4:30 pm    Outside (weather permitting) *

*Each Grade component has their own playground time scheduled.


​3:15–6:00 pm    Gym Activity*

*Each Group has a 30-minute time period for Activity in the Gym.


​4:30–5:55 pm    Teacher Led Activity and Free Choice Play*

*Each Group has a teacher led activity each day as well as free choice activities throughout this time period.


6:00 pm             Program Closed

Early release day enrichment

On early release Wednesdays (11:40 dismissal), the After Care

Program provides special enrichment activities for students. Previous enrichment activities include magic shows, dance troupes, juggling shows, puppet shows, and live animal demonstrations.

Wellington Student Care is a non-profit organization licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care.

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